Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2014 Brazil World Cup football (soccer) venues, stadium | Arena DA Baixada & Arena Pantanal

2014 Brazil  World Cup football (soccer) venues, sports stadium Arena DA Baixada & Arena Pantanal:

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Arena DA Baixada

Arena DA Baixada soccer venue is situated one of the Brazilian city of Curitiba in southern Brasil (Brazil). The sports stadium will be freshened up for the FIFA World Cup Football (soccer) 2014 & is required to deliver a seating area capability of more than 41,000 (soccer) football fans. Curitiba means "Pine Nut Land" in Portuguese, is the capital of the Brazilian state Paraná. It's rounded by stony hills & chains of mountains. Few of the attractive features in Curitiba are the botanic garden, forests, parks, museums & their alone carnival (a Festal national exhibit held in March). More info aboutArena DA Baixada soccer venue is on Wikipedia.

arena pantanal,fifa world cup 2014, world cup venues, host cities, world cup soccer games, world cup football, soccer games, football, venues
Arena Pantanal

Arena Pantanal football venue is placed in the city of Cuiabá. This sports stadium is among the 6 newly football sports (venues) stadium, which will be built up & is awaited to have a capability of 42,500. Cuiabá has been Brazil's warmest cities with temperatures often across 40 degrees Celsius. It's situated among 3 Brazilian ecosystems: Amazonia, Cerrado & Pantanal. It's called the southerly gate to the Amazon. The place of this city is as well recognized for it is combined & rich civilization with Portuguese, African & Indian influence. Please visit Wiki for more information about Arena Pantanal football venue.